Plate Update: Packages, British Accents, and My WIP

Plate Update: Packages, British Accents, and My WIP

A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog post called “What’s On My Plate?” Basically it contained a picture of me with a dinner plate piled high with all the books, projects, and notebooks begging for my attention. I’m was grinning kind of wryly and preparing to “dig in” with a huge knife and fork.

So that’s why since then my monthly update has been dubbed a “Plate Update”. (In case you were wondering…) 😉

July was a month I still can’t believe happened. It’s goofy to say it, but it’s true. 😉 Here’s a quick update on what I did last month. This plate included cheesecake to celebrate Independence Day–twice! (Don’t tell anyone.)

Beta-read and read for review:

Nothing actually! The spring book rush has been taking a break, but I think those prolific authors are about to come back in full force! 😀 *eyes growing stack*

Pleasure read:

Snow White: A Graphic Novel (three stars)

The League and the Lantern (three stars)

At Home in Mitford (five stars <3)

Crossroads (five stars)


What I enjoy most about being an author

Emails! (Rebekah and I have a few things in the works. 😉 )


How to join Amazon Author Central (I got myself a page!)

The authenticity of two-dollar bills

A sample of David Tennant narrating Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Minimum package dimensions

Chronology of the Jeeves and Wooster books

Sherlock Holmes’ address (221B Baker St, Marylebone, London NW1 6XE, UK <3)

Page length of chapters in a novel

Baby quilt sizes

Diseases that exempt from the draft (lovely article, bleck)

Scriptures (because I really don’t have those addresses down!)


Emails. Forever. Always. Never on time. 😀

Receipts (it’s all part of running a book booth, folks!)

Story notes and a whole twelve week calendar for my WIP “Kiera”

Posts for a Facebook party

A new scene for my WIP

Blog posts (the top five being My Weekend at the Generation Rising Authors Booth, The Twin Arrows Release Day!, Convention Time!, A Tale of Two Beginnings, and The #Voices of YA Tag.)


My story plot

Exactly 10,046 words of my WIP during Camp NaNoWriMo (and this draft is growing already!)


Went to a Ladies’ Retreat (highlights include: hanging out with friends and popcorn, talking books, seeing real live javelina, and meeting a paper cut out of the Queen)

Celebrated Independence Day with a few families from church 😀

Made my own business cards with a little help from super cool family members

Sold books at the homeschool convention with awesome people! (Did I already say that??! It was a huge highlight.)

Picked classes at the community college (my older sister, Captain America brother, and I are taking a semester together)

Shipped out three copies of my little book

I also helped babysit the worlds cutest nephews (twice!), played post office with younger siblings, wrote at a coffeeshop with family members and friends, and dressed up with my goony author siblings. (Not at the coffeeshop fortunately. We couldn’t stop laughing at each other we looked so ridiculous! :P) Really special times. I’m grateful for this goofy crew.

This next month, I’m looking forward to sewing some baby quilts, working through the next quarter of “Kiera”, tackling two books for review (one is huge and one is short and sweet), celebrating a family birthday, taking a creative writing class when school begins, chewing away at more summer reading, and teaching my younger siblings geology (with chocolate!). Phew! All the summer months are competing for most busy!

How was your July? What are you looking forward to this month?

14 thoughts on “Plate Update: Packages, British Accents, and My WIP

  1. You had a lot on your plate for this month. It sounds like you had a productive last few weeks. And no wonder one of the highlights was the homeschool conference! Selling books is completely wonderful and fun!

    I got quite a bit done in July. I got 2 rounds of editing down on the 8th book in my series, sent book #7 to my editor, got some book planning done, and I also got some editing and rewriting done on another writing project. I’m HOPING that August will be quite productive, as well. 🙂 I guess we’ll see.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Selling books is pretty fun, although I think my favorite part probably was hanging out with the other authors. Wow, that is amazing! You are so productive! And an 8th book? Congrats!! I hope your August goes just as well. 😉


  2. My July?! It included about 8 days and 5 1/2 nights (not all together) of babysitting my nieces and nephews. A new nephew born 8 days late. Attempting to write a lot (didn’t even reach 9k) for Camp, but didn’t. Lots of work on different projects, rearranging and organizing with my mom, and building 5 cubes/shelves. And I know I did other things, but the month was so crazy that I can’t think of what else happened.

    I wanted to see a picture of you and your siblings dressed up! Sadly I don’t have anyone here to dress up with. Is my new book on your stack of “to read for review” books? Eventually I might get it done and ready for reviewing. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve already said this, but congratulations on being an aunt again! 😀 Even if your writing did “suffer”, I think you got a great amount done considering how busy you were! Wow, do these new shelves mean more books? 😀

      Maybe I’ll send you one by email if I can get them to agree to it. 😉 Definitely! And I can be patient for you to finish it. 😉


      1. Ooooh! Yes, please send me one by email!! 😀
        No, the new shelves don’t mean more books. But they do mean empty walls and more floor space! And who knows, when we’re finished I might be able to get some more books on . . .

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooh! At home in Midford! We have listened to the audio drama like….twenty times or so! It is so good! Did you like it? Do you own it? Maybe I should borrow it………. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like you had a solidly busy July! (I can relate….) That’s SO COOL that you got to sell your books at the conference. What’s more fun than interacting with readers? #HappyForYou

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! You have been busy yourself! (Sometime you have to share your secret to accomplishing so much reading!)

      Nothing I can think of off the top of my head actually. 😉 I can still barely believe it happened! #ThanksYou


  5. I love the “What’s on my plate” title! It’s really cute. 🙂 sounds like you had an awesome July! Mine was pretty crazy too. I’m excited to start back school and get back into a good routine.

    I just found “At Home in Mitford” last week! I’m hoping to read it soon.

    Have a great August!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thanks! 😀

      Oh, that’s right! School is starting soon. *gasps slightly* Wow, I don’t know where summer went. 😉 Have a great time starting in on everything!

      ❤ I hope you enjoy it! Mitford is such a sweet book.


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