Project Juggling

Project Juggling

Do you ever have those moments when you are literally bursting with creativity but you’re already locked into a project and probably shouldn’t jump ship to work on whatever you want to? Yeah, me too. It’s a hard life. 😉

“The Twin Arrows” is progressing very well. I have been gifted with the world’s sweetest, most helpfully critical beta-reading team ever. We have spent over a week working out story kinks, and they are so gracious to tell me when something doesn’t make sense or finally does after I’ve revised a lot. 😉 (I’ve also discovered who the Sir Larkin fangirls are, which is pretty fun…) I’ve been writing acknowledgments and bios on the side. Still, there are days when there isn’t a ton for me to do except add in commas and take them out.

Well, there is something, but I don’t particularly like it. 😉 #confessions It’s blurb writing time! (Times two, actually.) Since I’m updating my first book The Treasure Hunt, I’ve decided that the excerpt on the back should probably be replaced with a synopsis. And since I’ve been in talks with my cover designer (we have the front cover finalized!!! ❤ ), it’s time to get the blurb ready for “The Twin Arrows” as well.

Did I mention it is hard? (Like worse than getting good author pictures? Actually, I take that back.) After several days’ worth of trying to write it, avoiding it, and maybe just a little despairing, I finally looked at the back of some books today and got a few ideas. Prayers appreciated!

So working with beta-readers and blurb writing are great, but my creative head does go a little crazy without something to work on. I’ve brainstormed two stories with my younger sister last week, and that’s not even the half of it.

*drops voice to a whisper* You know my story “Kiera” that’s waiting patiently for its rewrite starting six weeks from now? I rewrote the last scene in a notebook. Also brainstormed two companion short stories. (Hint: One is about Brennan. ❤ ) Can’t stop thinking about the sequel. And came up with maybe four more scenes to add in when it’s officially rewrite time. I know, I’m hopeless. I love this story so much, y’all! Fortunately I’m able to keep myself from getting too distracted with new ideas by writing it all down in my planner, but I am just itching to get my hands on that story! My Pinterest board won’t stop growing either. 😀

Oh, and how could I forget! I’m planning another blog party with the Rebekah Morris! How cool is that??!! Stay tuned. 😉

This past week has been full of a lot of project juggling, but it’s a ton of fun and there have been some nice times of fellowship with family and friends. 😉 Like the game of Taboo Junior we just played. That was fun!

12 thoughts on “Project Juggling

  1. Whoa, lots of projects! And I thought I was busy! 😀 Good luck with all this! I’m excited for Keira and your other stories and all the covers and blurbs … good luck with that! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. First paragraph: “Do you ever have those moments when you are literally bursting with creativity but you’re already locked into a project and probably shouldn’t jump ship to work on whatever you want to? Yeah, me too. It’s a hard life.” YAASSSS!!! That’s me. Except I just give up on projects that I’m tired of. #badlittleme That’s probably why I haven’t finished ANY writing projects (for fun; I do finish stuff for school lol).
    I like reading author updates (except when they’re boring, which this one is not). 😉 Thanks for sharing!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. *hides* I’ll tell you a secret–that is still me. I have such a hard time settling down to one thing because I love it all! 😉 I’ve learned that I must have deadlines (that’s the only reason I finally ever published my first book) and a few side projects to let off some creative steam. 😉 (Like the “short” story I worked on today.)

      Aw, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  3. YES!!! I always have too many projects and ideas and then I think I’ll just finish this one so I don’t have so many, . . . And I start two others. 😛 Creativity must have an outlet, right? *looks hopefully with pleading eyes at Kate*
    People ask me if I have a story I’m working on. My usual answer: “Yeah, I actually have three of them.” (Actually, until “Dylan’s Story” went out to Beta Readers, I had five.)

    And yes, the party!!!!!! 😀 I’m really starting to get excited about this, Kate!!! 😀 It’s going to be fun!
    Oh, and can I come play Taboo with you? I love that game!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, ha! I am soooo bad about starting new ones! Especially because I’m afraid I’ll forget them. 😉 Wow! I didn’t know it was five. You usually only talk about the main three. That’s great about Dylan’s Story!!!

      Yes!!!! I can’t wait. 😀 You can play Taboo if you are on my team. Someone needs to help me beat my mom’s team. 😉


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