i’ve been writing shorter reviews lately

i’ve been writing shorter reviews lately

I’ve been writing much shorter reviews lately (sometimes just a couple sentences long like my recent review of Harry Potter #1), and I’m really not sure why.

Is it because I don’t feel like I have much to add to the conversation surrounding a popular book?

Because I’ve refined my tastes so well that I’m not often provoked to grumpy rant?

That I read the books after everyone else does or I find a review that sums up my thoughts better than I can?

Maybe I’m tired…

Or maybe all my author years have paid off and I’m able to be succinct now? *laughs*

Whatever it is, it’s been rather freeing and takes the work out of reading to get to just process a story and move on. Maybe there will be a time (or a book) when I write longer reviews again, but for now, I think I’ll spend my energy on blogging and drafting my next book.

8 thoughts on “i’ve been writing shorter reviews lately

  1. I write long or short, detailed or skimming reviews depending on my mood, the book, and how much time I want to spend. 😉 It’s okay to have long and short reviews. They don’t all have to follow a certain formula. If they did, I’m afraid I’d have to delete many of my reviews. 😀

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  2. I definitely appreciate the lack of pressure that comes with a shorter review. Or if it’s a classic or traditionally published book that is doing well, I tend to not necessarily leave a review at all. I might rate it for myself, but I feel like there doesn’t need to be the pressure to review it if i don’t want to.

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  3. I worry I’ll repeat myself too much by saying I loved a book, and not be entirely helpful lol. I do like the idea of trying to be more concise when sharing about books.


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