Top 5 Favorite Mysteries

Top 5 Favorite Mysteries


Welcome to day one of the party! Before we get started, you might want to read this introductory post by our main hostess Rebekah Morris just so you know how this thing works. πŸ˜‰ Since my posts are a little long, I’ll be posting twice a day; so be sure to check back later for more book recommendations.

Mysteries are so much fun! I love guessing along with the detective and splitting my brain trying to race them to the solution. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to find ones that are clean enough for my taste, but I do have a few I can recommend! πŸ˜‰

223827231The Kitten Files series by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick

This book (as well as it’s adorable sequel) is a great, clean mystery suitable for all ages. The main thing going for it is the cat’s sarcastic POV (think Hank the Cowdog–but a cat!); but the mystery was well developed and had some really great surprises. πŸ˜‰




51rpmqidhsl-_sx322_bo1204203200_Gift from the Storm by Rebekah Morris

This mystery is one of my all-time favorites (why else would it be in this post?). πŸ˜‰ I loved the suspense as we hit just the edges of the solution, came up with false ones, and waited with Amy to find her memories; and the sweet family life was a huge bonus you don’t often find in books. For more reasons to read it and a content advisory, read my review.



1748521The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton was absolutely brilliant, and therefore so are his characters. This book is chock full of brilliance, surprises, and British wit. Not recommended for younger readers because of some British expletives and a few murder mysteries (we skipped the most gruesome ones); but definitely recommended to anyone who loves a book that makes them think!




275962171The Graham Quartet and the Mysterious Strangers by Rebekah Morris

We love the idea of Hardy Boy-style mysteries with vintage kids running around saving the world from nuclear war; but unfortunately we’re not huge fans of books with children in danger (at least for our younger readers). This series (yes, there’s another one I have yet to read!) has all the excitement and great vintage feel of those mysteries with a close-knit family and great values thrown in. (Not to mention that their parents are AWESOME and the authorities actually show up to help.) πŸ˜‰


20457051The Lost Clue by O.F. Walton

At first this is one of those long-lost-everyone-is-aristocracy-wow books I’m usually so tired of. πŸ˜‰ Look a little closer and it’s a pretty neat mystery with great values (I love Marjorie! I want to be her when I grow up!), and if you have the pretty Lamplighter edition that’s even better. πŸ˜‰





I am so excited to join in this party as we discuss our favorite books and suggest what you should read next!Β Comment below for an entry in today’s giveaway of my ebook The Treasure Hunt.

For links to the other blogs participating in this party and more information on the grand prize, visit our hostess blog. πŸ˜‰



40 thoughts on “Top 5 Favorite Mysteries

    1. Thanks, Rebekah! πŸ˜‰ “The Lost Clue” is such a good book; I’m sure you will enjoy it! Marjorie is one of my all time favorite heroines. πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for the reminder not to count you as an entry. πŸ˜‰


  1. I’d love to enter for your book! I’ve actually never heard of any of those mystery books… how sad! πŸ˜‰ I should look into The Graham Quartet and the Mysterious Strangers; it looks like something I’d really enjoy. Of course, if I win the grand prize, I’ll have it! πŸ˜›


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely post, Kate! So excited that this party has started! πŸ˜€

    The Kitten Files look really interesting! Gonna go search my library later on πŸ˜€ And oh my goodness, yes, The Lost Clue! It’s an amazing book! Captain FortyScrews πŸ˜‰ Can’t believe I forgot about that book in my list!! *facepalm*

    Oh, and don’t count this as an entry πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I LOVE “Gift from the Storm” and “The Graham Quartet and the Mysterious Strangers!” They’re my favorite of Rebekah’s books! πŸ™‚ I’ve heard a lot of good things about “The Kitten Files”. I’ll have to check them out!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi there, Kate! This is first time I’ve been on your blog, so it’s nice to ‘meet’ you! (I discovered it through Blessing Counter’s blog. :D) Five Fall Favorites will be a good way to meet other bloggers, as well!
    Anyway, as for books, the mystery genre is probably one of my favorites! I don’t think I’ve read any of the ones you listed, so I might have to go check some of them out!
    I think I’d have to say my favorite mystery series growing up were The Hardy Boys and The Boxcar Children. (And I still love them!) πŸ™‚ I almost always had one in my hand wherever I went, and there were piles of them stacked on my nightstand!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, Livi! Nice to “meet” you too. πŸ˜‰ Glad you’ve found some new things to look up. Don’t you love that when your childhood favorites are still you favorites?!! I had a lot of fun writing a post for later this week on top 5 books for middle graders, since I got to dig up some of my old favorites. πŸ˜‰


  5. Oh how I loved The Boxcar Children when I was a kid! But I will always consider the greatest mystery stories of all time to be the first collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, plot-holes and all!
    I recently discovered a more recent series called ‘The Brixton Brothers’ that simultaneously subverts and celebrates The Hardy Boys. I love that series. It’s so ace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m reading Sherlock Holmes right now and enjoying it quite a bit. So far The Sign of Four has been my favorite, but we’ll see once I’ve read more. I will have to look those up!


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