Kate’s writing and Kiki’s Delivery Service

Kate’s writing and Kiki’s Delivery Service

“Flying is my only skill.”

These words stood out to me when I watched Kiki’s Delivery Service for the first time last night. I feel this way about my writing sometimes. Sure I have other jobs and hobbies and “jobbies” I’m good at, but the main skill and the one I feel most called to is writing.

I feel lost when I’m not writing. When the stories are dormant or tired or intimidating. Just like Kiki during a certain part of the movie, I wonder who I am when I’m not writing. πŸ˜‰

I’m learning to rest, to be patient, to enjoy other aspects of my life. And to lean into the waiting.

β€œThe spirit of witches, the spirit of artists, the spirit of bakers. I suppose it must be a power given by God. Sometimes you suffer for it.”

2 thoughts on “Kate’s writing and Kiki’s Delivery Service

  1. I know that feeling too. I absolutely love Studio Ghibli, their movies are amazing! Which ones have you watched?

    And beautiful photo, btw!!! I love how the tree catches the light, and the sunlight on the grass and railing. 😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, it’s good to know I’m not alone. ❀ I've seen My Neighbor Totoro, From Up On Poppy Hill, Nausica, and Howl's Moving Castle. Which ones are your favorites?

      Aww, thanks so much! That's from the new porch of our apartment and I love the view.

      Liked by 1 person

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