The Get to Know Me Tag — Writer’s Edition

The Get to Know Me Tag — Writer’s Edition

Happy weekend, everyone! I thought this tag might be a fun way to end the week. 😉

This tag was originally created by Savannah at Savannah Grace Writes, and I was tagged by the wonderful E.G. Bella. You can find her post here. Thanks so much for tagging me!

Vital Stats and Appearance

Name: Kate (Willis) Hoppman (there’s also a really pretty middle name in there which I won’t share because privacy 😉 )

Nicknames: I don’t have an official nickname, but my nephews are convinced my name is actually “Cake” which cracks them up because I often make family birthday cakes.

Birthday: Springtime. 😉

Hair color and length: Brown, elbow-length because of how curly it gets, but it’s really a lot longer than that. 😉

Eye color: Also brown

Braces/piercings/tattoos: None of the above

Righty or lefty: I’m right-handed, though I’m somewhat ambidextrous.

Ethnicity: I’m a mix of all things European + Ashkenazi Jew. 😎


First novel written: Kiera. It was a huge milestone for me, and I’m still so grateful I got to write and publish it. 💙

First novel completed: Also Kiera. I have yet to complete a second novel beyond draft one, and the self-doubt feeds off that fact rather well. 😉 😬

Award for writing: I believe I won a short story contest in the past. 🤔

First publication: My middle-grade, summery mystery The Treasure Hunt. My sister Perry helped me get it ready in time for a convention table she was running for Homeschooled Authors, and I got to see my book in person there and sell copies. 😍 One of my favorite author moments.

Conference: I’ve never been to one, but I’d love to attend the Rabbit Room conference, Hutchmoot. Finances and the bundle of anxiety that I am make going to a conference a little bit unrealistic for me right now. 😉

Query/Pitch: Nope.


Novel (that you wrote): The one I’m writing now. 😉 Which currently truly means my fantasy WIP “Awake”, but also I’m generally in love with whatever I’m working on (unless it’s editing time). 😁🤩

Genre: I write mainly contemporary and fantasy (or variation thereupon), but I’m itching to write something sci-fi.

Author: Perry Kirkpatrick, Sarah Holman, and Kim Vogel Sawyer

Writing Music: I don’t listen to music a lot while writing because #distractiblebrain

Time to Write: Midday or middle of the night when I should be sleeping and simply cannot. 🙈

Writing Snack/Drink: Chai tea, something chocolate 😉

Movie: *draws a blank* *literally has 600* I think more people seriously need to see the wonderfulness that is Fast Color.

Writing Memory: When my rewrite of a vital scene in Kiera made my mom cry. 🥰

Childhood Book: The Shield Ring by Rosemary Sutcliffe was exceedingly formative. 👀


Reading: The second Enola Holmes book. 😎 Also, a beta-read for a friend of mine.

Writing: Erm, mostly blog posts.

Listening to: Improbable Things podcast by J. Grace Pennington. She’s a very cool human, and I love her thoughts on life, books, and writing.

Watching: Parks and Rec with my husband. 😉

Learning: Mental health management and how to live life.


Want To Be Published: Yes! That’s the goal with every new project, and I hope to have more books out there to share with you.

Indie or Traditional: I’ll be staying indie for the foreseeable future, but if I got a deal with a small press, I wouldn’t be opposed. 😉

Wildest Goal: To see one of my books made into a movie. 🤩

Thanks for reading, and if you’d like to answer these questions, consider yourself tagged! 😉

20 thoughts on “The Get to Know Me Tag — Writer’s Edition

  1. I’m glad you did this! It was a lot of fun when I answered mine, and this was a lot of fun to read. I love that each one of these, mine included, has the same crazy goal of having our books turned into movies. Must be a shared dream we writers all have! 😂

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