The Liebster Award <3

The Liebster Award <3

I was tagged by Emma from Bookish Daughters of the King for the Liebster Award. Thanks, Emma!

I’m not going with any rules, but if you find these questions fun, feel free to pick them up and just link back to Emma. 😉

The Questions…

1. What is your favorite Bible verse and why is it special to you?

Not a specific verse, but I really love the whole book of Isaiah. Just the hopefulness and foreshadowing of Christ. ❤️

2. What is your favorite movie and why?

I have too many favorites to name right now, so I’m gonna go with a recent favorite and that’s Encanto. *vibes to music and cries over the accuracy and beauty

3. What would you consider your hidden talent?

I can weed a garden very well. 😎 I’m also decent at sewing if I understand the pattern. I’m also very good at dancing badly.

4. What book could you read over and over again?

Theoretically The Book Thief but it’s too emotionally destroying, so I’ll go with The Shield Ring. These questions are hard, y’all. 😩😂

5. What are your favorite names?

Ooo, I have many right now, but I’ve literally always loved Ainsley.

6. What’s your favorite place on earth?

Our little apartment. ❤️ It’s home.

7. If you had a TV show or book made about you, what would the title be?

I’m hoping for something like “Ordinary Girl” or “A Half-Baked Life” but I’ll probably get “Remember the Weird One Who Was Either Laughing or Crying?” or something to that effect. 😂

8. Who is your top favorite author?

Ooo, hmmm… I mostly go book by book, but I guess Perry Kirkpatrick, Toni Shiloh, and Sarah Holman count since I love everything I’ve read by them. 😉

9. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

Introvert, all the way.

10. What’s your biggest goal in life?

To practice and radiant Christ’s joy and peace and to publish some pretty good books. 😉

11. What’s your favorite TV show?

Great British Bake-Off, hands down. 😁 All the happy vibes and inspiration.

That was delightful fun! I think we’ve discovered that I’m pretty indecisive at picking favorites, though. 😉 😂

What would your biography be called?

8 thoughts on “The Liebster Award <3

  1. I love your answers!! Especially the TV show question… I can relate.😂Also, I’m super indecisive with favorites too!😂 I’ll have to check out your favorite authors and books though!
    Also, a beautiful goal!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kate Wrote: “I’m also very good at dancing badly.”

    Same here! Coordination on my part has been… interesting XD

    Ooo, you’ve seen Encanto? I’ve heard about it, but wasn’t sure to give it a try (sometimes it’s a hit or miss with the new Disney movies.)

    I’d also watch a movie/read a book called “Remember the Weird One Who Was Either Laughing or Crying?” Seriously, now I’m hooked!
    I think my family’s bio would be “How Hard Can It Be? [Psst! It Can!]” Lol. I’d have to think about my own personal biography title (maybe something sarcastic or unexpected…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, welcome to the club!

      Yes, I have! It’s very good, one of their best lately (for me anyway). I really loved Soul, Raya and the Last Dragon was fun, and Onward and Luca were so-so for me, but I would place this on the level of Soul maybe even above it. Super catchy, meaningful songs and really loving, deep message.

      Aw, coollll. Let it be known to my future biographer that those are good titles. 😂😜

      Oh dear, that’s a crazy one. 😂👏


  3. I loved this, I am totally doing this on my blog. 🙂
    I just saw Encanto this week and was so amazed. O.o We need to have a watch party with that.
    Also, I love your hidden talent. ❤ XD You're epic.

    Liked by 1 person

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