My Top 5 Favorite Books for 2018

My Top 5 Favorite Books for 2018

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Hello, y’all! Wow, it’s been a whirlwind of a week! Thanks so much for turning out and helping us explode each other’s TBR lists! It’s been so much fun. 😀

I’m sure you’re all very anxious to see who won that amazing giveaway. Click over to our hostess’s blog to find out!

Also, to further help with your bookish problems, we have twenty-seven books on sale for $0.99 and fifteen entirely for FREE. *falls over just looking at them* *hides money from self so I’m not completely broke* A few of those books are by me, and plenty of the others are ones I’ve been meaning to buy. (Send help. 😛 )

I’m so excited to share this final category/genre/thingy with you. When Rebekah and I were choosing the genres for this party, we thought it would be fun to make Saturday (kinda the bonus day) all about our favorite books we’ve read in this year alone. 😉 So, in no particular order, here are my top five favorites of 2018 and the three reasons they made this list. (And several of these I already mentioned during the party, yes. 😉 )


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery…

  1. Made me cry with the sweetness and simplicity
  2. Gave me much to think about
  3. Has delightful illustrations

Grace and the Preacher by Kim Vogel Sawyer…

  1. Was a gift from the Lord and exactly what I needed at the time
  2. Introduced me to one of my favorite authors
  3. Cemented that I love the name Theo ❤ 😉

Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder…

  1. Spoke to my Neverlandish heart
  2. Made me cry (repeatedly)
  3. Had me in awe of the author’s writing skills

Wonder by R.J. Palacio…

  1. Gave me a look into the life and heart of such a special little boy
  2. Grew my understanding and empathy
  3. Warmed my heart with the sweet family life

Beautiful Blue World by Suzanne LaFleur…

  1. Showed me how powerful small gifts can be
  2. Fascinated me with the unique storyworld
  3. Gave me something to fangirl over with my sister and a best friend

There you are! Those are my top five favorite books for this year–at least so far. 😀 There are still a couple months left to read in. 😉

Once again, thank you all so much for coming! And thank you to the amazing bloggers who shared their favorite books! And a HUGE thank you to Rebekah for organizing this whole thing! It’s been a ton of fun. 😀

FFF - booksDon’t forget to check out everyone else’s posts! 😉

Before you go… I happen to be the Books party room today, and so here’s your link to a free copy of my book The Twin Arrows. Enjoy!

What have been your favorite reads this year?




32 thoughts on “My Top 5 Favorite Books for 2018

  1. I’ll keep with my mostly recurring theme and once again say… Hehe, I’ve never read any of these. XD I’ve heard a lot of really good things about Wonder. Guess I’ll have to give it a whirl!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wasn’t it? I picked it up at a used bookstore on a whim, and it was amazing. Such a nice surprise blessing!

      Aw, you’re welcome! I enjoyed getting to party with you all!

      Congrats on winning the giveaway!!!!!!


  2. I think I need to try “Grace and the Preacher” sometime.
    I can’t believe it’s over, Kate! So many lovely books were recommended, so many lovely blogs to read! Thanks for all your help in planning, and putting this party together! *splits chocolates with you*
    And don’t spend ALL your money on books. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never read The Little Prince, but I’ve listened to The Little Princess on audiobook with my family twice before. Such a sad book. *wipes away a tear*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, yeah. That book is so sad and so good. The Little Prince and The Little Princess aren’t connected at all, but I think it’s fun that they have similar names since they are both kinda whimsical and sad stories.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This has been SO fun! (I have SOOoOOOOOooo many books to ask for come Christmas…seeing I don’t have enough money to spend on books *cries*). Thank you for making this week awesome! And the freebie – *gasps* I’ve been wanting to read for SO long. So thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAY! Oh, I know what you mean. 😀 And check your library too–a lot of these books (at least the ones I shared) can be found there. 😉 You’re so welcome! I’m glad we could kick off autumn this way!

      Woohoo! I hope you enjoy. 😉


  5. Well, I probably just bought way too many books for my budget, but I’m excited to read them! 😀 Plus, they weren’t all for me, I bought some Christmas gifts too… XD

    Liked by 2 people


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, I’m so glad you loved them! ❤ I'm in the final stages of a *prequel* Christmas short story right now, but other than that… I'm not sure yet. 😉 They are big favorites of mine too, though, so we'll see what happens. Glad you enjoyed! 😀


      1. OOH GOOD. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE A SEQUEL OTHERWISE I WILL DIE OR SOMETHING. Seriously, I’ve been re-reading all my favorite parts since I finished it!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s definitely in the possibilities. 😀 😀 Aw, I’m glad you loved it! Isn’t it fun to go find your favorite parts afterward? I do that with a lot of books I read. 😀


  7. OK, so when I did my list I 100% forgot it was 5 books not 10. But I’ll keep it 10 because it’s a good list. xP So. My 10 Top Favourite Books of the Year. o.O This will be hard. Partly remembering and partly choosing.
    1. “Emma” by Jane Austen. Hands down the best.
    2. “Unbroken” by Rebekah A. Morris. So good.
    3. “Home Fires of the Great War” by Rebekah A. Morris. ❤
    4. (we’re already getting near the end… :[]) “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
    5. (halfway! *gulp*) “Rose in Bloom Series” by Louisa May Alcott. (*smirks at how I managed to sneak in two books*)
    6. “What Katy Did Next” OR “Clover” by Susan Coolidge. I can’t remember if I read them both this year or if I just read ”Clover”, but they’re both wonderful. (*look how I managed to slip in two books again mwahaha*).
    7. “Wilderness Ways” by William J. Long. I love all his works so far but this is the only one I’ve read this year. (Hoarding the others xD).
    8. “Jack & Jill” by Louisa May Alcott. ❤
    9. (*has a hard time figuring out which books are special enough to fit in the last two slots*) “Dictionary of Troublesome Words” by Bryson. Yeah, I love words and I love to laugh. (Also not finished).
    10. (*drumrolllll* *racks brains trying to think of a special book*) “Around the World in Eighty Days.” So I just read the first two chapters so far. But they were A-MAZ-ING. So the rest of the book ought to be as good, right??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice list! Ha, ha! I would make mine 20 if I could… 😉

      Ooo, I love the Rose in Bloom series! And the What Katy Did books are splendid. (Have you seen the 1999 movie? It took out all the cool spiritual stuff of course, but I thought they did a good job in other ways.) I haven’t read Clover yet, is it good?

      Enjoy “Around the World in Eighty Days”! Jules Verne is a pretty cool author, don’t you think? I loved the Twenty-Thousand Leagues series, even if I don’t care to know that much about bioluminescent fish. 😛 😉


      1. Mm, yes, 20! That would be awesome. xD If I get a blog someday… *files away under ‘Ideas for Guest Post Subjects’*
        No, I never saw the movies! The only classic movie I’ve ever seen is “Little Women” lol. Ooo, yess, ‘Clover’ is sooo sweet!! I didn’t review it this time around but the next time I read it I will. Would you like me to send you my review?
        He sure sounds amazing!! Ooo, I’d love to read “20,000 Leagues.” xD It’s very long, right?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Do it! 😀

          I only know of one movie, and it’s quite different from the book, but I still liked it. Ah, which version of Little Women did you watch? I’d love to see your review!

          Yes, it’s very long… And there’s a sequel that is a must. 😀


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