i got a puppy

i got a puppy

And his name is Watson (unofficial middle name Goober) Hoppman! He’s a four month old beagle (we think).

We adopted him from a shelter on Sunday and brought him home the next day. ❤

He’s noisy and wiggly and chewy and (currently fighting for my attention while I write this) and drives his older sister Nugget crazy, but we love him very much and the cuddle times are especially worth it. ❤

He loves squeezing into tight spaces and he has the softest paws. *melts in dog mom*

We’re so blessed to have our puppers.

9 thoughts on “i got a puppy

  1. He’s a cutie! I’m thinking he’s got some other hound mixed in there because, having owned a beagle, those ears don’t *quite* look like beagle ears to me. But of course, breed doesn’t matter, love does, and it sounds like he’s going to have a wonderful life with you.❤️😊

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