Camp NaNoWriMo Update #3

Camp NaNoWriMo Update #3

“The Twin Arrows” is progressing nicely, and I’ve gotten to make the arrows themselves play a major part in the story! *rubs hands together* But that would be spoilers, so…


I’m so happy to have my word goal back on track with only 1,975 words left to go! (And we’ll see how it is after I work on it some today.) 😉 You know what is extra awesome, though? That target in the right hand corner. It’s like someone said, “Let’s theme this Camp session’s site just for Kate’s story.”

I finished replacing that one horrible-troublesome-stuck-in-a-castle chapter early in the week, and I’m so happy with the results. (Like I actually feel clever. 😛 *sings Eleventh Doctor’s theme*) Now I’m back to smoothing out clunky dialogue and cutting down one chapter that had the same information in it twice. Sigh. 😉


I’m not sure if it’s authorhood or NaNoWriMo that makes us crazy, but we pretty much are. Anna is texting while writing (don’t you know that causes crashes?); I’m being shy and trying to concentrate; and my brother looks like the evil Story Gang Boss plotting a character’s death. (Anyone who has beta-read for him knows this is probably the truth.) And by the way, the mustaches are NOT REAL, just a gift from a younger sister to help the quirky creativeness. 😛

Below are some graphics I made (with the help of the sister in the picture) to introduce you to my main characters Ryla and Drewin of Arcella. 😀


DrewinGraphic (1)

While I’m revising my own manuscript, I’m also getting to beta-read someone else’s project from last NaNoWriMo. (I was doing that fangirl-y screaming thing for about two chapters straight.) When he starts his blog, I’ll share the link here and you can go snoop what he’s working on. 😉

And any Star Wars fans will be glad to know that another event of the week was me finally getting to see Rogue One with a friend! Best. Star Wars. Movie. Ever. ❤

How has your Camp experience been? Do you have poison ivy yet?

9 thoughts on “Camp NaNoWriMo Update #3

  1. I just had to jump in a lake to escape and infected camper. Otherwise, I’m good. 😉

    Oh my word! Those mustaches … your brother looks truly evil. I pity his characters …

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha, ha! At least I had the cough drops handy. 😉

      I pity his characters too… He’s writing a dystopian story, so I guess people that write that genre are kinda known for being “evil”. 😀

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I have no poison ivy ( I can differentiate, lol!) but a REALLY BIG corn snake slithered past me and my pup very loudly….. and I’m coming back to the cabin. xD (No, seriously, this actually happened. The snake was awful. Luckily not venomous, ha!)
    OH MY GOSH. That is an epic photo. Seriously. xD I feel you, and your brother…. he looks like a gang man who’s just killed an entire army. Which, heh, is probably what’s happening in his book, right? ;D Y’all are doing great!
    I love your snippets, Kate!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, good!!! It’s a skill everyone should have. 😉

      Wow, scary. *shudders*

      I know–pretty frightening. I don’t think he’s killing off an entire army, probably just all the characters people like. 😛

      Thanks, Angela! 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  3. LOL! That picture of the three of you is hilarious!! XD Your brother does look like he’s plotting a character’s death. 😀 I may not be a writer, but I love writers’ silly stories and pictures. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😀 Glad you like it!

      I have this story idea I’ll write someday about these kids whose parents are authors and their whole house/life is built to foster creativity. I think it could be really funny. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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