Book Report

Book Report

First the good news then the bad news.

The good news is that after holding several library books hostage for months, I finally worked through all of them but one. Some were too boring (or inappropriate) to bother with and promptly got sent back. Another ran out of renewals. *sticks out lip* But the majority got loved and reviewed. 😉

And now the bad news is that I went to the library again today. I brought home three books. Sounds like an okay number, right? Except, I bought two books last week, have two beta-reading projects (<3), and was reminded of more books to read as I made a bookshelf tour video for a special post later this week. I’ll probably even read some of the middle-grade books my younger sisters brought home.


These are my finds! Social Media for Writers is the book I’m still reading from last time. It’s really good, but I am naturally slower at reading non-fiction. I Capture the Castle is an old classic that I’ve seen around, Palace of Stone is the second in the Princess Academy series (<3), and Among the Hidden is a random dystopian I picked up since it looked fascinating. 😉 I’ll be sure to report back later on whether or not they were good!

Basically, I’m swamped. Which is actually probably good news because this means I’ll never run out of books to read. 😀

What is one book you’ve enjoyed from the library recently? Do you enjoy middle-grade fiction?

11 thoughts on “Book Report

  1. Oh, I love middle grade books. They’re my comfort books. =) Lately I’ve been pretty consistently trying out books from the library. Last week I tried out poems of Emily Dickinson, which I did not like. And I tried the first two books of Squeaky Clean Mystery’s, which were awesome! =D I liked Palace of Stone more then the first book, so I’m interested in seeing your thoughts on it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Comfort books” is the perfect way to describe it. I love how cheerful they are. 😉

      Yeah, poetry is such a mixed bag! Try Longfellow. 😉 Ooo!!! Nice! I’m excited to read it even more now. 😉


  2. YES! Reading MG fiction is so much fun! It’s easy to breeze through it, and it’s generally really interesting. 🙂 And YAY for beta reading projects. 😉 “Social Media for Writers” sounds like a book I really need to get ASAP! Thanks for mentioning it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love MG! They still have pretty cheerful themes and are as PG as I like books to be. 😉

      Beta-reading = ❤

      You're welcome! There is some unfortunate language in the introduction, but so far the actual book seems pretty clean. And comprehensive!


    1. Really?? I keep running into more people that have loved them. 😉 That’s so fun!

      I finished the first one today and enjoyed it quite a bit! There were a couple things I didn’t like in it, but it was still a solid three star book for me. 😀


  3. I haven’t been to the library to check out books for a long time! My mom picked up a few Christmas books in December for me, but one was fairly good, the next was blah, and I didn’t even try the 3rd after skimming parts of it. But since I live in a house with around 5,000 books, there’s always something I can read. And I still have a lot of books on my kindle that I got free that I haven’t even looked at!
    So . . . But I like real books MUCH better than kindle books. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is fun when our families have their own libraries, isn’t it? Most of the books are tried and true. 😉 Oh, I know! My Kindle is very neglected when I have paperbacks. 😉


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